The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172523   Message #4176524
Posted By: NightWing
10-Jul-23 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: Crazy? I Was Crazy Once (recitation)
Subject: RE: Folklore: Crazy? I Was Crazy Once (recitation)
The Hashing chant "Head! Who said 'Head'" you described definitely pre-dates 2001.

When I started Hashing in '95 or '96, that chant--in exactly that form--was being "sung" at Circle and had been so for a long time. It definitely wasn't new at that point. I remember seeing it in Flying Booger's Hash Hymnal of about that time, but I never had it in any format but electronic and have updated my copy several times. So I don't even have the 2001 edition.
