The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172544   Message #4177037
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Jul-23 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rain, rain, go away, pt. 3
Subject: RE: BS: Rain, rain, go away, pt. 3
The perfume of my childhood, on camping and fishing trips, was 6.12 Insect Repellent in a stick. I still have one here as a souvenir that used to be in my fishing tackle box. Smells fabulous, but probably didn't do our internal organs a lot of good. Ethyl Hexanediol is the active ingredient, banned for this use in 1991. I've looked it up, the information I find isn't harsh like DDT, it seems to have a mixed set of mild results. DEET is complicated; I don't use it because it's another one of those products with "generally accepted as safe" chemicals that seems to have been given a free pass.