The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172545   Message #4177039
Posted By: Steve Shaw
16-Jul-23 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bloody tennis...
Subject: BS: Bloody tennis...
The women's later-stage matches and the men's final were just superb. Especially the men's final. What a game. A lovely young feller called Carlos edged a bloody thriller against No-vax Djokovic. I've hated Djokovic till now. I don't hate him any more. Carlos and Djoko kept me in all afternoon and there were times when I couldn't believe what I was seeing. When Carlos had finally prevailed, Novak was so gracious in defeat, an absolute gent.

What I've loved is that we appear to be seeing the end of the crusty old guard and are seeing the young bucks (of both genders and none!) assuming the mantle, fresh-faced, super-athletic and with no baggage. How good is that.

And I don't even watch tennis.