The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172550   Message #4177129
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Jul-23 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punnets and the contents thereof
Subject: RE: BS: Punnets and the contents thereof
Here's a useful tip. Wash your strawbs BEFORE you hull them. That way they don't get all waterlogged.

Here's another tip. Don't buy imported strawberries out of season (or at all). To use a euphemism, they're shite. We get stuff from all over the world these days and seasonality has largely gone out of the window. But strawberries don't travel. I'm not a purist in these matters and I buy veg from everywhere at any time of year as long as it's got the quality. But not strawberries, and, for me, not apples either. In fact, I crunch apples only from my own trees between August and November. The Discovery crop is almost ready. Can't wait. Neither can the wasps!