The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172550   Message #4177136
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Jul-23 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punnets and the contents thereof
Subject: RE: BS: Punnets and the contents thereof
Charmion used the word in the declutter thread a few days ago, describing the basket of fruit she thought was the source of a norovirus that hit for a few days. I had to look up punnet and remarked upon it. I think that is where this comes from.

I grew up in a strawberry capital of the US, in a county along Puget Sound north of Seattle. My father used to buy gallons at a time and freeze them, he had two freezers at his house because of his love of strawberries and wanting a year-round supply. There were lots of U-pick fields, and we're talking decades ago when the berries were still pretty good, not grown to be so huge and tough they would travel anywhere (those are California strawberries.) If I try to grow strawberries here the birds usually get them first and this region is typically hot so early in the season we can't get much of a crop.

I suppose I could fill a punnet with my home-grown organic cherry tomatoes now. I have so many I can barely give them away fast enough.