The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31749   Message #417719
Posted By: menzze
14-Mar-01 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Fantasy wanted!!! New bandname
Subject: RE: Fantasy wanted!!! New bandname

It's 10 min past midnight in Germany
I want to thank everybody who helped us with this unbelieveable output of names from all my heart.You are FANTASTICAnd as well thanks from the rest of the band who has found its name tonight.


All of us. Yes, all of us.

I've copied all the names you have posted here and we fought our way through them two hours ago. Rune fire was leading the longest attacked by Pendragon's Pipes and Quercus Reborn. None of them made in the end. No, we finally came up with a melange between the listed ones here and something we added and the result was:

CELTIC HARVESTof the Gathered Clan

Now we would love to invite all of you to our first concert which nobody knows the date of yet. I hope within the next 6 months we will be ready to go on stage again. You are all welcome, everybody here!!!
Once again: Thanks a lot.You Catters are great people!!!

Thanks also for the warmth and sympathy I feel here. My friend who died on monday, Heinze, he loved celtic folk music and played a little guitar himself. His funeral is fixed for friday now(it's a bit confused at the moment). It will be a strange birthday for me but I have to go there and play and sing some last tunes for him since I'm the only one of the band who's got the time to go. I'm on the dole at the moment and the others have to work.

Have a good time, slainte
