The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172550   Message #4177309
Posted By: Steve Shaw
20-Jul-23 - 05:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Punnets and the contents thereof
Subject: RE: BS: Punnets and the contents thereof
Hold the balsamic. Get that mozzarella. Per person, slice up one ball of mozzarella. Lay the slices in a serving dish. Slice one avocado. Put the slices in with the mozzarella, or get all artistic and alternate them. Halve a big handful of cherry tomatoes (quality paramount) and throw them on top. Sprinkle the whole lot very generously with your finest extra virgin olive oil. Grind some black pepper over everything and tear a few fresh basil leaves on top. You won't need other food that evening, though a nice slug or two of red or white wine always go well.