The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31901   Message #417771
Posted By: SINSULL
14-Mar-01 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Cafe - the sitcom?
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Cafe - the sitcom?
I want to be Marilyn.
"There's a call for you on Line 1."
"Marilyn! We have only one line! "
(vacuous stare)

Hey, wouldn't Mick be great for the part of Maggie's "bear" lover? The one (played by Fabio) who lived in a cave and taught her to dance. How long is your hair, Mick? And we need a wise, medicine man type.

Let's not allow this to continue into the stupid doctor and his wife season. OK? That would be too bad.