The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172575   Message #4178107
Posted By: Mr Red
31-Jul-23 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Internet outages, July 31 2023, UK
Subject: BS: Internet outages, July 31 2023, UK
Anyone else finding certain websites are stalling & or locked-out? from at least 09:30 toady I had bizarre Google maps, finding a post code/LatLong but refusing to display town names etc, for maybe 30 minutes Fakebook stalling for a period. So while I waited, checked my credit card Co. That is unreachable, though the parent company's website is OK AFAIK because I don't do other banking with them.

I have been noticing things going slow on the broadband for days but assumed it was that.

The network provider sent a letter informing that all Openreach PTSN telephone lines are switching over to digital, giving options of fibre or they would switch to "other" landline networks seemlessly. (?) by Sept. There are other fibre options out there, maybe now it the time to jump!