The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172614   Message #4179263
Posted By: Tony Rees
15-Aug-23 - 03:10 PM
Thread Name: Shirburn Ballads - new Wikipedia Page
Subject: Shirburn Ballads - new Wikipedia Page
Hi all,

Just letting you know that I have recently created a page on Wikipedia for the Shirburn Ballads - inspired by one I was working on for Shirburn Castle, the previous home of the folio, then in the collection of the Earls of Macclesfield. The ballads themselves are fairly well known per an edited published version in 1907 from the original MS. The original folio passed to the British Library in 2007 it seems, where it can be viewed, but only by those with an appropriate letter of recommendation (!).

Anyway hope the above is of some interest; corrections. suggestions for improvement to the article are welcome as usual.

Regards - Tony Rees, Australia