The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172604   Message #4179536
Posted By: Gibb Sahib
19-Aug-23 - 06:06 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Valparaiso / Paddy Lay Back
Subject: RE: Origins: Valparaiso / Paddy Lay Back
A note in the JM Carpenter collection materials says, 'Mr Stevenson heard 70s-80s'.

Evidently, this was written in the margins of a text transcription of Benjamin Bright's performance in 1929.

I don't find a digitized file of that manuscript in the VWML. Perhaps they haven't gotten to it yet?

I suppose "Mr. Stevenson" was another of Carpenter's sailor interviewees, James Stevenson.

My sketchy and old notes have that Carpenter also collected the song from James Dwyer, William Rennie (at sea 1880-1895?), and John Vass.