The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172634   Message #4179917
Posted By: GUEST
25-Aug-23 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Putin songs
Subject: RE: Putin songs
I have criticised the song about Stalin. because it is polemic,
I crticise the song about Putin for the same reason.
   I do not believe the media always lie, but I do believe in every country the media propagtes the what the establishment want us to believe, that includes the west Rusiia and china
.Paul Burke you have misunderstood my posts, Iwas talking about thartof songwriting and why shoals of herring and my old man and the manchester rambler are better songs than the ballad of stalin or the ballad of putin.
at what time did stalin [the soviet union not russia] support the nazis. Paul, have you been to Russia?
Is your foreign news information gained via the western media.
I have not been to russia either, but i try to keep an open mind, it takes two to tango in a war, and there are two sides to this conflict. That does not mean i support putin he is ex KGB ,hardly a recommendation but then the CIA are not angels and the USA has the biggest armamament spending in the world ,that speaks for itself, so a complex situation, plus the Russian speaking inhabitants[APPROX 24PERCENT of ukraine have a democratic right to be proteCted