The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172634   Message #4180176
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
28-Aug-23 - 05:14 PM
Thread Name: Putin songs
Subject: RE: Putin songs
One major prerequisite for state violence is two or more sides' failure to even agree on what they disagree about.

I'm not getting any sense the above lyrics are the minority opinion. One could add a billion (with a b) likes and up votes to the Western polemic and it would still run a distant third to V. Putin... because India & China vote Eastern. And, like NATO, neither China nor India have invaded the Ukraine... yet.

Average folk, East and West, couldn't point out the Ukraine on a world map. They just know "Russia" or "China" or "America" = bad... because it's common knowledge and everybody with a gram (or ounce) of sense knows it's true.