The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172634   Message #4180343
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
30-Aug-23 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Putin songs
Subject: RE: Putin songs
Verse by: Gargoyle
Tune: "Fugue for Tinhorns' aka "Can Do"

We've got a man right here.
His name is Vladamir

Trained by the KGB
It is plain to see
This man really knows how to kill

Can kill
Can kill
This man realy knows how to kill.

Its always suicide
With a rope inside
Or a gun in the sun
Its lots of fun.

Can kill
Can kill
This man realy knows how to kill.

Poison in your tea
Or from where you pee
Training is free with the KGB

Can kill
Can kill
This man realy knows how to kill.

Falls down the stairs
Or windows up there
No matter how high
Shot from the sky
Its easy for a guy
That once was a spy.

Can kill
Can kill
This man realy knows how to kill.

Rah, Rah, Rah
Be rootin' for Putin
If you don't want a shootin'

This parody verse is in the public domain/creative commons and should be freely modified and added to - It needs two more parrallel verses.

(Fugue For Tinhorns by Frank H. Loesser  1950, from the Broadway musical "Guys and Dolls")


Vlad's list of "curious circumstances" beats Bill and Hill's many-fold.