The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172878   Message #4186851
Posted By: Helen
11-Nov-23 - 01:34 AM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Rock tune - can you identify it?
Subject: Tune Req: Rock tune - can you identify it?
Sorry for sullying the pristine blues and folk atmosphere of Mudcat with a request to identify a very loud, very raw rock or alternative rock song I vaguely heard at the supermarket. It's bugging me.

I'll know the name of the solo artist or rock group when someone here kindly identifies it. The singer is loud, aggressive, raucous, maybe punk, reminds me of Iggy Pop's very over-the-top personality. I suspect it's a UK artist or band. I couldn't hear any lyrics of the song.

I'm also sorry that I can't give you an ABC Notation file because I don't know how to do that.

The intro is repeated a couple of times, and it is a very, very loud, very raw, deep electric bass guitar which sounds more like the roaring of a muscle car or a big electric saw grinding through a big tree. I have tried to recreate the intro in a music notation programme. I probably didn't get it quite right.

The pattern of note lengths are the same for each of the four bars of the intro, and then the four bars are repeated: a quaver/eighth note, a minim/half note, a quaver rest, a crotchet/quarter note. The time signature is 4/4. I've noted it on the treble clef for simplicity.

The notes are:
Bar 1: G above middle C, high G, a quaver rest, high E.
Bar 2: G above middle C, high A, a quaver rest, high E
Bar 3: G above middle C, high B, a quaver rest, high E
Bar 4: G above middle C, high C, a quaver rest, high E

I would really appreciate any clues to the artist/band name which might help me to narrow it down. It's not in my album collection. I know that for sure, otherwise I would trawl through it and put myself out of this desperate misery of knowing-but-not-knowing the answer.

I thought Mudcatter punkfolkrocker might know but a search of his posts shows he hasn't been on Mudcat for over a year.

Thanks in advance,