The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78973 Message #4187390
Posted By: and e
07-Sep-23 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: 'Uncle Bud' Obscene Southern US Song
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: 'Uncle Bud' Obscene Southern US Song
Odell Walker Vulgar collection
Uncle Bud, Uncle Bud, Uncle Bud, Uncle Bud, Ucle Bud, Who in hell is Uncle Bud?
Ole Aunt Dinah dead an' gone, Jaws of her p---y keep a-working' on.
Who in the hell an' damnation Sh-t that t-rd on pa's plantation?
Ole Aunt Dinah, can't you tell, You been f--kin' sho' as hell?
Funniest thing I ever saw: Bull frog f--kin' his mammy-in-law. Toad frog saya, "I'd be ashame." Bull frog says, "You God damn fool, you'd do the same."
Big fish, little fish, playin' in the water; Some son-of-a-bitch has done bigged my daughter.
Big cat, little cat, teeninety titten, If you don't stop sh-ttin', gonna kill all the kittens.
Note: "Bigged", said the singer, "means to get her in a family condition."
Expurgation in the original typscript. Song from Guy B. Johnson papers, Wilson Library, Chapel Hill.