The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32018   Message #418775
Posted By: alison
15-Mar-01 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: FUN Surgical & Testing Procedures
Subject: RE: BS: FUN Surgical & Testing Procedures
and how can we forget RENAL ULTRASOUND....... OK its pretty minor... but....

to start with you have urinary tract infection... which entails running to the loo every 30 secs.... so they make you drink several glasses of water and "hold on".

so you drink your water.. think you're going to burst.. then turn up at the surgery where you are told.. sorry there have been a few problems.. we're running an hour behind!!!!!

so you sit in the waiting room with all these other people sitting with their legs tightly crossed.... and eventually (if you don't burst)... they take you in.. where they lean heavily upon your very uncomfortable bladder with the ultrasound... consult with their friends and say "yes that bladder is full"........ eventually after making you suffer they let you go to the loo which is usually through a curtain in the same room... so they can listen to you .........

as I said minor.. but very uncomfy....

