The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172617   Message #4189598
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
13-Sep-23 - 03:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bleeping Cyclist
Subject: RE: BS: Bleeping Cyclist
Of course there are instances of poor cycling standards everyday just as there are instances of poor standards in everything (and possibly getting worse unless that is just perception) But the majority of cyclists, drivers, bikers, pedestrians and even roller skating nuns are perfectly good, law abiding people. The fact that bad ones are noticeable only underlines that statement. All the facts and figures indicate that only a tiny fraction of accidents are caused by poor cycling - Google it and you will find lots of statistics about cycle accidents. None of them that I have found indicate anything to justify the demonisation of cyclists that I am seeing here.

Mind you, I suppose blaming cyclists for all our ills makes a change from blaming Muslims or immigrants. Just don't give Cruella more ideas...