The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172693   Message #4190244
Posted By: GUEST,Rory
12-Sep-23 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Bold Privateer
Subject: RE: Origins: The Bold Privateer

Title: The Bold Privateer
Artist: Adrienne O'Shea
Album: Threads of Gold (2023)

The Bold Privateer

An Appalachian version

“So fare thee well my Polly dear,
For you and I must part
In the crossing of the seas, my love,
I’ll pledge to thee my heart”

“Our ship she lies awaiting,
So fare thee well my dear
For now I’m bound to climb aboard
This poor old privateer”

She says, “My dearest Johnny,
I hope you do forebear
And do not leave your Polly
In grief and in despair”

“You know my dearest Polly,
Your friends they do me slight
And besides you have two brothers
Who’ll take away my life”

“From then to there I’ll wander
Myself to get me clear
But for now I’m bound to climb aboard
This poor old privateer”

“And when the wars are over
If God should spare our lives
It is then we will come back again
To our sweethearts and our brides”

“And then I will be married
To me bonny Polly dear
And evermore I’ll bid adieu
To the Bold Privateer”