The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172739   Message #4190601
Posted By: GUEST
30-Sep-23 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Can't get the grain in
Subject: Lyr Req: Can't get the grain in
I'm looking for a song I heard as a child in Canada in the 80's. It was on a cassette tape with a bunch of other songs but I don't remember anything about them.

The song was about a farmer who was worried about his grain crop due to excessive rain. The chorus went like this:

Can't get the grain in, there's too much rain,
And I can't get it cut 'cause the sky won't shut.

Later in the song the weather changes and he's able to harvest the grain, but now has insufficient rain and the corn is dying:

I look to the west, at the clear blue skies,
And I wish for rain before the corn all dies.

In the final verse of the song, the farmer's wife scolds him for complaining no matter what the weather conditions:

Stop your complainin', you got the grain in,
And you'll get the corn in like you did last year.

There was of course a lot more to the song but those are the only three snippets I remember.
