The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172798   Message #4191128
Posted By: SPB-Cooperator
17-Oct-23 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bleeping DPD and the Bleeping APP
Subject: BS: Bleeping DPD and the Bleeping APP
Just wasted a day of my time and will be wasting another day tomorrow waiting for a parcel delivery.

Spent two hour watching the progress on their app so that I could make sure I would be outside my block of flats waiting for the delivery van to arrive. Said app jumped from - you are 12 deliveries away exepect ed time 15 minutes to ' you have missed your delivery'.

I called DPD to inform them this happened and to instruct them to send the driver back to my address (either immediately or after returning to the depot). They refused, so I assume it is because either the driver is too incompetent or lazy to do the job he is paid for, or DPD are two tight fisted to send the driver back out when he got back to the depot just to deliver one parcel. From my understanding, knowing the nature of this aspect of the gig economy, I can't see the driver risking future work with the company to take the trouble to put himself out for an extra 2-3 hours.

I am thinking of charging DPD my full commercial rate for staying at home a further day - £595 is more tha reasonable.