The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172895   Message #4192166
Posted By: Joe Offer
21-Nov-23 - 09:44 PM
Thread Name: READ THIS after Mudcat upgrade & Nov 20 repairs
Subject: RE: READ THIS after Mudcat upgrade & Nov 20 repairs
I just had a talk with Max. If I understand him correctly, what he did was this: he had the Mudcat messages on a 2005 version of SQL, and it took him forever to figure out how to transfer all that data to a new version. But he figured out a way to do it, and he completed that yesterday (20 Nov). He still has some tweaking to do, but the main part of the overhaul is completed.

His main question is about data integrity. If you come across any threads that are really screwed up, please post the thread URL and title here in this thread. And if you find any other glitches, post them here.

There still will be some error messages, but you should be able to get past most of them by resubmitting. When you go to, you may get a 500 Internal Server error. If you resubmit, you should get into Mudcat.

As always, we are a work in progress, so please be patient and generous. We do this for the love of Mudcat. In other words, be nice to us. We do the best we can, and we don't get paid for it.

Happy holidays to all who have a holiday this week. If you don't have a holiday, have a good week anyhow.
