The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #147960   Message #4192450
Posted By: Raggytash
27-Nov-23 - 07:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Date to erect a Christmas tree?
Subject: RE: BS: Date to erect a Christmas tree?
I'm with Andrew on this, Christmas Eve and not a day earlier ......... and before I am met with a chorus of Humbug and references to Scrooge Christmas was a magical time for me as a child.

Nothing was put up in our house until AFTER I went to bed. I would wake up on Christmas morning and Father Christmas had been, decorations down the stairs and through the hall, the Christmas tree had been put up and the house decorated. For a child it was truly magical.

I did the same when our son was born and he too found Christmas to be a magical occasion. When he was about 14 I asked him to help me put up the tree he turned me down saying "you do that AFTER I have gone to bed!"

He is now doing the same with his son.

Over the years we have created several "traditions" such as we must have a glass of Madeira while putting up the decoration and we must prepare the vegetables for the next day.

I am now rapidly approaching 70 and Christmas is still magical in our house!!