The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172970   Message #4194250
Posted By: GUEST,Ms. Marigold
25-Dec-23 - 02:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: 'Black Eyed Gull' - Mystery Song!
Subject: Lyr Req: 'Black Eyed Gull' - Mystery Song!
Hi all!

I am trying to track down an English folk song for my mom. She heard it once several years ago and thought it very special, but hasn't heard it since. I've looked all over but have had no success and thought someone here might know something. She can't remember any specific lines or tune, but she provides the following details:

About a lonely man on the shore singing to a beautiful "black eyed girl" which sounds in his accent like "black eyed gull" (might be dark-eyed)

Song ends with the "girl" turning into a gull and flying away, making him wonder if she was ever really there.

Only partial lyrics she thinks she remembers are something along the lines of "my black eyed gull/girl" as a chorus (maybe)

It was a slow, haunting song in a minor key sung by one man

Heard in a Google Music "English Folk Ballads" playlist in 2017, and she does not know if it is modern or not. Found it once in 2019 by tracking it down through Google Music but since that service has shut down she can't find it anywhere.

It is not: Black Eyed Susan, Dark Eyed Sailor, Maid on the Shore, Polly on the Shore, Black Eyed Suzie, etc. - the main thing she is very specific about is the girl/gull wordplay!

Any help or ideas anyone has would be amazing. She is legally blind and has limited mobility, so she takes a lot of delight in old ballads and songs with lots of vivid imagery and re-finding this song would make her day. I've long appreciated this community and the amazing things it provides, and I hope you all have a lovely day :)