The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172859   Message #4195799
Posted By: Donuel
19-Jan-24 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
The Supreme Court was supposed to be apolitical and just decide on the interpretation of the Constitution and settle lower court disputes.
BUT things have changed along with the growth of corruption.

IF the USA only relied on the popular vote, Democrats would have won the last 7 presidential elections and the Republicans only one.

Republicans have relied on becoming loophole masters and legislating litigation to maximize Republican votes by minimizing Democrat votes via voter suppression.

How would I try to make the system more fair for people who are not billionaires?

I would nationalize money that is laundered in the USA and do a Robin Hood for the 'poor'. The biggest laundry of dirty money is in the USA. Russia launders its money in Cyprus. The king of laundered money is in the State of Deleware and a few northern western States via shell companies. The Panama Papers were the blueprint for this hidden money scheme from the records of a law firm that enabled the system.

I'm sure I wouldn't last long after I removed the billionaire's stash.
I might even pay off most of the national debt with the left over cash if I could elude hired assasines. This plan has its risks. Besides billionaires might then look to China to launder their cash. They already do with Chinese super lockdown warehouses for billionaire hard goods.