The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173036   Message #4195892
Posted By: Felipa
21-Jan-24 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Robert Burns's birthday
Subject: RE: Robert Burns's birthday
We are currently winding up a zoomsing of Burns songs hosted by The Mermaid Tavern

The birthday is 25 Jan but there will also be Burns suppers the following weekend and Monreagh House in Donegal has organised its Burns supper for 8 Feb

Maybe there would be more Burns events going on in my corner if the timing wasn't so close to Bloody Sunday commemorations. Then there is also Holocaust memorial day and -on a happier note - sometimes Chinese New Year (not until 10 Feb 2024) and St Brigid's Day and probably I'll think of something else later.

Linn Phipps told us tonight of a planned zoom in honour of Burn's wife Jean Armour Sunday 25 Feb