The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173099   Message #4197389
Posted By: GUEST,kurt [dot] uke [at]gmail [dot] com
17-Feb-24 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Ever heard of the Buffalo Chipkickers?
Subject: Ever heard of the Buffalo Chipkickers?
Back in 1976 or so, when I was in college in Salem, WV, a 4-piece Bluegrass Group from State College PA came to town and did a show at the school's pub - The Buffalo Chipkickers.

The lineup of the Buffalo Chipkickers I'm referring to was:Bob Doyle-guitar/vocal,Lee Ann Lenker - banjo/vocal, Matthew Guntharp - fiddle/mandolin/vocals, and Hugh Johnson-upright bass/vocals. (Not to be confused with a later California country band of the same name.)

I used to know several of the songs from their album "Cleaning Up Our Act (Chedda NR 7420), but the memory goes away sometimes...

Has anyone ever heard of the band, the album, and the lyrics to "Cleaning Up My Act" (Guntharp/Johnson, DuLac Music BMI)??

Thanks in Advance.
