The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173113   Message #4197734
Posted By: Thompson
22-Feb-24 - 01:48 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Beyonce and origins of country
Subject: Folklore: Beyoncé and origins of country
I was, as is my custom, dozing and listening to BBC World Service radio (which is one of the excellent channels available on the app Tune-in Radio Pro). But dammit, I can't now find the programme I heard on the schedules.
The programme was about Beyoncé's country songs, but also about the way that she was reclaiming the origins of country music in black music. I thought the programme was The Compass, but can't find it at the time I was listening (around 7 or 8 GMT) on the schedule. If anyone's got a link, please post it; it was very interesting.