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Thread #173127   Message #4198407
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Mar-24 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: ADD: A Young Virgin (song about suitors)
Subject: ADD: A Young Virgin
Thanks, Steve.


I am a young virgin just come on board
And I have as envious a maidenhead
As ever a young man took in his hand
Besides I have forty pounds in land

This young virgin as we understand
Took a trip to a foreign land
Whereas forty young lovers a-roving came
To some of their callings I long for to name

The first was a merchant that came in
He told what a traveler he had been
He boasted how he could handle his pen
He said he could write the best of all men

The next was a doctor that came in
He said what a traveler he had been
He said he had a lance that would open a vein
With pleasure with ease without any pain

The next was a pothecary with his pastle and pills
He said he could cure me of all of my ills
Then he took out his (glister pipe)
And I gave the rogue a mighty wipe

The next was a tailor his (body bent)
I lugged the poor rascal by both of his ears
In short I told him for to be brief
For I never intended to wed with a thief

The next was a fiddler that came in
He told what a traveler he had been
He offered for to play me a jig
I broke his fiddle and tore off his wig

I put his saddle strap out of tune
The people they surrounded the room
The tears were trickling down his face
His fiddle was broke I (potted) his case

The next was a sailor a sailor bold
With his pockets lined with gold
He (waited) not but ended the dispute
Sir here is my heart and maidenhead to boot.

Herald 1817

Huntington's notes: This song may be related to "The Female Robber." See Williams pp 267-268
Some of the symbolism in the song will not bear too close scrutiny, I am afraid. Note well that in the end it is the sailor—of course—who gets the girl.

Source: Songs the Whalemen Sang by Gale Huntington (Barre Publishers, Barre Massachusetts, pp 101-103)

MIDI transcribed upon request

From the Traditional Ballad Index:

Young Virgin, A

DESCRIPTION: "I am a young virgin just come on board...." The prosperous, available girl is courted by various suitors. Merchant, doctor, apothecary, etc. offer their skills to gain her hand; she rejects each. She gives her love to a sailor.
AUTHOR: unknown
EARLIEST DATE: 1817 (Journal from the Herald)
KEYWORDS: love courting sailor worker humorous
REFERENCES (1 citation):
Huntington-SongsTheWhalemenSang, pp. 100-102, "A Young Virgin" (1 text, 1 tune)
Roud #2034
cf. "My Thing Is My Own" (theme)
cf. "I'll Not Marry at All" (theme)
NOTES [21 words]: This really, really reminds me of "My Thing Is My Own." I don't think there is kinship, but I suspect a common inspiration. - RBW
File: SWMS100

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