The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173137   Message #4198580
Posted By: Charmion
05-Mar-24 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Measles USA 2024
Subject: RE: BS: Measles USA
Incidentally, vaccine-avoidance and vaccine-denial predate the false autism scare by at least a century. From the very beginning of inoculation, with Edward Jenner and cowpox, opponents of vaccination have scrambled to oppose it, marshalling arguments from the will of God to the great demon Socialism.

In fact, "freedom from big government" was the theme of the American resistance to any federal plan to conquer polio when the Salk vaccine was released in 1955. Meanwhile, other countries got busy with public health regulations and massive needle parades for school-age children.

Any Canadian baby-boomer has clear memories of "getting their shots" before being allowed to go to school, and the annual booster campaigns. We were all conditioned to submit to the procedure without fuss.

My mother liked to tell a story about my brother Andrew who, as a toddler, was so clear on what was expected of him that, when taken to the doctor, he automatically held out his arm -- snowsuit and all -- the minute he entered the treatment room.