The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173137   Message #4199007
Posted By: The Sandman
13-Mar-24 - 03:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Measles USA 2024
Subject: RE: BS: Measles USA
let us get to the root of the problem,in the third world and to a lesser extent the western world, poor diet and lack of food due to POVERTY,MEANS that despite vaccination people are less likely to survive.
Vaccinations are good for the pharma industry and are effective in
a majority of cases , occasionally they produce bad side effects, but why do people not survive despite vaccination?, the radical solUtion is to eliminate poverty and poor diet, and then if vaccinated they will have a greater chance of survival
if someone is suffering from malnutrition the chances of vaccination saving their life is less than if somebody is otherwise healthy.
Vaccination is an example of treating symptoms not cause
Vaccination is useful but it is not a cure all.