The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7569   Message #4199652
Posted By: Jim Dixon
24-Mar-24 - 05:11 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Songs about smiles, smiling
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Songs about smiles, smiling
Here are all the songs I can find at Mudcat, that have “Smile” or “Smiling” in the title:

(It Isn’t Any Trouble Just to) S-M-I-L-E—Ed McCurdy
(Pack Up Your Troubles in Your Old Kit-Bag and) Smile, Smile, Smile
(Smile for Me, My) Diane
(There Are) Smiles (That Make Us Happy….)
And Then She Smiled—George Papavgeris
Brownie Smile Song
Cheer Up! Smile! Nertz!—Eddie Cantor
Count Your Blessings and Smile—George Formby
Give the World a Smile
God Has Smiled on Me
Hail Smiling Morn
Her Bright Smile Haunts Me Still
I Love to See You Smile—Randy Newman
I’ll Be All Smiles Tonight
I’m at the Mercy of Your Smile—Bruce Murdoch
Illegal Smile—John Prine
Let Those Brown Eyes Smile at Me—Rose Maddox
Medusa’s Smile—Anne Lister
Meet Me Tonight with a Smile—Gussie L. Davis
Mona Lisa Never Really Smile—Michael Anthony
Sarah Smile
She Saw Him Smile—Harvey Andrews
Smile (Though Your Heart Is Aching)
Smile a Little Bit—The Happiness Boys
Smile a Little Smile for Me (Rose Marie)
Smile in Your Sleep—Jim McLean
Smile Whenever You Can
Smile! - a poem
Smile—Bert Sommer
Smiling May
The Memory of Your Smile
The Smile of Contentment & Love
The Sunshine of Your Smile
The Sweetest Gift, a Mother’s Smile
Watermelon Smiling on the Vine
What Can Make a Hippopotamus Smile?
When A Dog Smiles—Mark Cohen
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
When You’re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles with You)