The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31742   Message #420096
Posted By: Dunc
17-Mar-01 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Didgeridoo Breathing Techniques
Subject: RE: Didgeridoo Breathing Techniques
Thanks for all the comments. I shot off to the Island of Skye for a week the day after posting this thread.
I've just returned home tonight and got on line for the first time in 7 days!
I had hoped to do some climbing in the big, steep and jaggy mountains of Skye and expand areas of my lungs that have been dormant over the winter months.
Sadly due to the foot & mouth problem, walking / climbing was not allowed and I was forced to spend the week eating favourite foods and drinking lots of single malt whisky.
End result: Expanded waist line rather than expanded lungs.
My partner says I might have to wait until Christmas so she can get me a Didgeridoo as a gift - so I'll have plenty of time to practice the circular breathing.
Thanks once again to all out there daft enough to have tried it in the first place and then pass on their skills.