The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31708   Message #420103
Posted By: catspaw49
17-Mar-01 - 05:53 PM
Thread Name: English National Anthem
Subject: RE: BS: English National Anthem
Sorry for invading this thread. I think the last time we invaded England was WWII. Uh, that's a joke know, the pre-Normandy build up, the airfields...........Okay, its a bad joke, but I do have a question that this thread made me think of and I would dearly love some help with.

A friend of mine had some wonderful recordings of an English Symphony Orchestra that was the "Spike Jones" of symphonic music. What made me think of them here is that on one live recording the played the intro to "God Save The Queen" and you can hear the audience standing up. They stopped at the end of the intro, leaving the audience standing and after a bit they begin to laugh realizing they have been had. This group did some brilliant pieces of original compositions including something written for two Hoover's in E Flat and a Floor Polisher in C. Also had a wonderful thing with the great hornist Dennis Brain playing on 24 foot of garden hose "with funnel."

WHO ARE THEY???? I seem to recall the name may have begun with an M. M******** Symphony.......something. I've done occasional searches trying different things but can't come up with anything that strikes me as right. They were very funny. Sadly, my friend was a victim of a drunk driver fifteen years ago. Any ideas here on this???

Not worth a thread, but then again, maybe it is. Thought I might ask here on this one first though.
