The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4201060
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Apr-24 - 11:21 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Patty, I hope you find more pleasant hosts at the next campground! What state are you in for April? And yes, the fruit and veggies are the issue right now; I want to lose a few pounds. Stopping eating as many carbs now would keep my weight where it is; I still fit in the jeans I like, but they are snug.

For now I'll split the difference with the carbs - I have some bagged flour that I'll donate to the mutual aid fridge (there are a few other things in my pantry that can go also), and for the time being I'll cut out the other sources of wheat, and make a point of buying the lower-carb fruits and veggies as the existing supply drops. I could donate some of the veggies also, but prefer to simply step down. I won't go full-keto, but simply aim at a lower-carb routine. Years ago (high school) I lost weight that way with the simple process of keeping bread consumption to a couple of slices a day. I was a lot more active, then, walking to school (2 miles each way), etc. so I'll keep the walking and gym activity going. Meanwhile, I'll be eating my small portions of hummus with carrot sticks.

Linn, I totally agree with your concern about open flames; paper is a big part of the landscape here. And you sussed it correctly - I do have a hurricane chimney here. When I used the glass oil candles I would set one on a round mirror and then the tall chimney standing on the mirror around the candle. Yes, I can send it to you. This isn't the type of chimney that would fit the old fashioned kerosene lamp, it stands on the table. Is that what you were needing? I do have an antique chimney lamp I won't part with that is the vivid red ruby glass made with gold that came from my great aunt's house. It had a wider base (was one of the railroad lamps that became a famous part of "red light districts") that I sometimes set around a votive size candle.

Rain is forecast for Saturday so my friend will let me know if the neighborhood votes to postpone the community garage sale to another day. She has a large carport to set up under, but rain would reduce the shopper participation. I'll continue to collect things; if her garage sale doesn't happen perhaps I should bite the bullet and do my own. Once you start thinking about it the thing can happen (though they are a lot of work. I have a friend with stuff in storage who could stand to bring items over here to sell.) In our village we can only do two of them a year, but one sale every few years is plenty for me.

It rained overnight (rainfall was heavy enough to wake me) so no more mowing for a couple of days.