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Thread #172859   Message #4201292
Posted By: Helen
20-Apr-24 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: Trump CONVICTED - NO new Trump threads part III
Subject: RE: Trump INDICTED x4 NO new Trump threads part III
An article worth reading from an interview on (Oz) ABC Radio National:

Anthony Scaramucci on the US election and what happens if ex-boss Donald Trump wins

"Anthony Scaramucci is part of a long conga line of people who worked in Donald Trump's White House and then turned on their former boss.

"Scaramucci had a very brief tenure as White House communications director in 2017, and after what he saw from inside and outside Trump-world, he doesn't mince words.

"Trump was a 'disaster', someone who 'didn't do the homework', an 'impetuous' leader 'reeling from one potential crisis to the next', he tells [Oz] ABC RN's Global Roaming.

"Perhaps his biggest zinger: The 45th president was 'an orange wrecking ball'.

"And although some recent polls show a neck-and-neck race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump in November's US election, Scaramucci believes Trump will lose — and lose soundly.

"But should Trump prevail, 'The Mooch' has a warning for America and the world.

"'[Trump is] an incredibly dangerous guy. I'm a lifelong Republican [but] I'll be working very hard against him over the next seven months,' he says."


"By Scaramucci's estimates, there are around 40 fellow Trump White House alumni 'that are denouncing him and begging the American public not to allow him to return to the presidency'.

"'It's my job, alongside my friends who love the country, to put patriotism first and partisanship last, and work hard to make sure that he doesn't win,' he says.

"'[So] I'm going with the older, slightly forgetful guy as opposed to the lunatic.'"