The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #71356   Message #4201731
Posted By: Joe Offer
29-Apr-24 - 12:11 AM
Thread Name: Origins:John Brown's Body/ Battle Hymn of Republic
Subject: ALT Lyrics: John Brown's Body
Here are some powerful alternate lyrics:


John Brown died on a scaffold for the slave;
Dark was the hour when we dug his hallowed grave;
Now God avenges the life he gladly gave;
Freedom reigns today!

John Brown sowed and his harvesters are we;
Honor to him who has made the bondman free!
Loved ever more shall our noble Ruler be,
Freedom reigns today!

John Brown's soul through the world is marching on,
Hail to the hour when oppression shall be gone!
All men will sing in the better age's dawn,
Freedom reigns today!