The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173265   Message #4201866
Posted By: Donuel
01-May-24 - 09:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Fix the System but first know what it is
Subject: RE: BS: Fix the System but first know what it is
For several decades the right has strived to establish what is called the Imperial Presidency. This is over and beyond the power to release nuclear weapons. An Imperial Presidency would minimize the other two branches of government.

This is not Trump's doing but has been advancing over decades step by step. That Trump is pathological is secondary to the right's desire for an Imperial grab for power outside of Democratic processes.

Wall Street has contributed billions to candidates and has had an ongoing stranglehold on former Wall St. CEOs to always be the Treasury Secretary. 2008 was a deliberate inside job.

Despite all the ignorance and warts, Trump is a puppet of the Billionaire class that gladly took 'Trump's' 2 trillion dollar tax cut for the 1% minority rule.

Trump is basically a useful idiot 'Durst' like figure who is rich enough to pay for loyalty and a possible payout. The real evil characters do not seek publicity. They own the boards, clubs, banking Associations and governments.

That Trump is a pathologic, pathetic immature person is a plus for the real bosses in charge. The real bosses have determined that Donald is worth the dangerous risks for the benefits and distractions Trump is known for.