The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173257   Message #4201984
Posted By: BobL
04-May-24 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: How did the pandemic down time benefit you?
Subject: RE: BS: How did the pandemic down time benefit you?
To get myself out of the house and stay isolated, I did gardening jobs in the local churchyard.
Half a century ago this would have been in the care of a full time sexton, but nowadays the local council cuts the grass, graves are tended by relatives (if still around), everything else is - or was, pre-pandemic - done by half-a-dozen volunteers one morning a month. So I started doing a couple of two-hour sessions every day, weather permitting, either routine maintenance or reclaiming overgrown bits, and I'm happy to say it seems to have helped make a difference.