The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173295   Message #4202224
Posted By: GUEST,Steve Shaw
07-May-24 - 07:02 PM
Thread Name: Beethoven 9 is 200!
Subject: Beethoven 9 is 200!
The first performance was at the Theater am Kärntnertor in Vienna on this day, May 7, in 1824. By all accounts it was a memorable evening, with Beethoven, completely deaf, "conducting", though the orchestra had been secretly primed to attend to the conducting of another fellow, standing behind Beethoven, instead. The concert was a roaring success, and Beethoven had to be gently turned around at the end to see the adulation of the audience. What a gift to humanity Beethoven gave the world that night. As I type this I'm watching my recording of the Chineke! Orchestra playing it superbly at the BBC Proms a couple of years ago. Was there ever a greater man than Beethoven? Maybe, but he'll do me!