The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173257   Message #4202307
Posted By: Ebbie
09-May-24 - 10:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: How did the pandemic down time benefit you?
Subject: RE: BS: How did the pandemic down time benefit you?
I did benefit, greatly, but almost all of it was internal. Strangely enough, some of my insights have given me more hope than I have had.

It brought home to me that we’re in a period of transition and we’ll come out on the other side wiser than we were, going in.

I think that the pandemic forcibly brought home to workers that life is meant to be LIVED and enjoyed, that we needn’t live to work but that we work to live. I foresee a great many people opting for work from home, given governmental encouragement and assistance in creating offices in our homes, perhaps childcare problems will be greatly ameliorated with parents signing up to care for each others’ children on specific days, while empty office buildings are converted into livable home units. I foresee that college will still be a goal for many but that vocational colleges will gain equal value.

This -and lots more – is what I think, but then, again, I’m a person who believes that war itself will eventually be recognized and regarded as gauche and outmoded and evil… Maybe someday differences will be resolved by the perpetrators and their ‘handlers' meeting at some crossroad! To me, the very idea that the people at the top send out the powerless to fight and kill other powerless underlings in their names absolutely stinks.