The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173303   Message #4202467
Posted By: Tattie Bogle
13-May-24 - 05:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Aurora Borealis/ Aurora Australis
Subject: BS: Aurora Borealis/ Aurora Australis
Well, how was it for you?
Living in Scotland, one might expect that I would have seen “The Northern Lights” before, but no - that is, not until last Friday night! I have had the AuroraWatch UK app on my phone for some time, but have missed several previous sightings in Edinburgh. From Friday lunchtime the app was going mad, with big red alerts almost going off the page! So, about, I ventured out, looked North, and…..nothing!
Came back in, saw that various friends had posted amazing pics on Facebook, but all said they’d seen the (Northern) lights in the south or SW. Looked again, southwards this time; some white wispy formations in the sky: looked through phone camera, and there were the colours, pink, purple and green. Fabulous. And this was despite far too many street lights shining in the wrong places.
Since heard and seen pics from friends in Penzance, Suffolk, Bavaria, Vancouver, and all points in between. Sadly no repetition on Saturday night, as it was too cloudy.
I also read that when it is manifest at one pole, it will surely be seen at the other - so how was it in Australia and NZ?