The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173307   Message #4202595
Posted By: DaveRo
17-May-24 - 05:44 AM
Thread Name: Why do people make music? - NY Times
Subject: RE: Why do people make music? - NY Times
That line about Darwin is an attention-grabber. I suspect that it is a gross simplification, possibly a travesty, of his views.

The Darwinian Musical Hypothesis

He wrote in The Descent of Man (1871)
The capacity and love for singing or music, though not a sexual character in man, must not here be passed over. Although the sounds emitted by animals of all kinds serve many purposes, a strong case can be made out, that the vocal organs were primarily used and perfected in relation to the propagation of the species. Insects and some few spiders are the lowest animals which voluntarily produce any sound; and this is generally effected by the aid of beautifully constructed stridulating organs, which are often confined to the males. The sounds thus produced consist, I believe in all cases, of the same note, repeated rhythmically;* and this is sometimes pleasing even to the ears of man. The chief and, in some cases, exclusive purpose appears to be either to call or charm the opposite sex.
(Fom Chapter 19)
