The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4202622
Posted By: Monique
17-May-24 - 07:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
On May 6th Adam Fenech sang the French Canadian song...

Ah toi belle hirondelle qui voles ici
As-tu vu dans ces îles mon Alexis ?
Va-t'en lui parler à l'oreille de mes amours
Je resterai sage et fidèle pour son retour

L'oiseau qu'est tout aimable prit sa volée
Dans son léger plumage s'en est allé
Traversant les mers et les terres sans s'y lasser
Tout droit sur le mât du navire s'est reposé

L'aperçoit dans la hune du bâtiment
Alexis se lamente en le voyant
Ne pleure pas amant fidèle écoute-moi
J'ai des compliments de ta belle qui sont pour toi

L'amant plein de surprise l'entend parler
Reçoit bonne nouvelle, l'a salué
Elle t'a donné son cœur en gage et ses amours
Elle restera sage et fidèle pour ton retour

Je te salue, la belle, salut à toi
Ton petit cœur en gage donne-le-moi
Je suis parti pour un voyage dans les longs cours
Je te donnerai de mes nouvelles à mon retour
À mon retour à mon retour

Ah you, beautiful swallow who fly here
Have you seen my Alexis in these islands?
Go and talk in his ear about my love
I'll remain true/good* and faithful for his return

The very kind bird took off
In its light plumage it left
Crossing seas and lands without getting tired
Straight on the ship's mast it rested (or "it sat again")

It sees him on the maintop of the ship
Alexis laments when he sees it
"Don't cry faithful lover, listen to me
I have compliments from your sweetheart [that are] for you"

The very surprised lover hears it speak
He welcomes the good news, [he] greets it,
"She gave you her heart as a pledge** and her love
She'll remain true and faithful for your return"

"I greet you, beauty, greetings to you
Your little heart as a pledge, give it to me
I left for a long, long-hawl trip
I'll give you news when I get back
When I get back, when I get back
*"sage" in this case means "good, well-behaved" i.e. "I won't cheat on him / I won't sleep with anybody else".
**One's "heart as a pledge" was also euphemism for virginity.


Ah toi belle hirondelle qui voles ici
N’as-tu pas vu dans ces îles mon Alexis
Qui est parti dans les voyages en ces long jours ?
Il te donnera des nouvelles de son retour.

L’oiseau qu'est tout aimable s’est envolé.
Avec son léger plumage s'en est allé,
A traversé l’eau et la mer sans se lasser,
Dessus les mâts de cette flotte s’est reposé.

A-t-aperçu la hune du bâtiment,
Alexis se lamente en naviguant.
"Parle-moi donc, amant fidèle, parle-moi donc !"
"Je viens de la part de ta belle."

L’amant plein de surprise d’entendr’ parler,
De savoir des nouvelles d’ sa bien-aimée:
Tu lui diras, belle hirondelle, qu’à mes amours,
Je lui serai chaste et fidèle, à mon retour.

Ah you beautiful swallow who fly here
Have you not seen my Alexis in these islands
He went to sail in these long days?
He will give you news of his return.

The kind bird has flown away.
With its light plumage, it left,
It crossed the water and the sea without tiring,
Above the masts of this fleet, it rested (or "it sat again").

It glimpsed the maintop of the vessel
Alexis laments while sailing.
"Do speak to me, faithful lover, do speak to me!"
"I come from your sweetheart". (lit. beautiful one)

The lover, very surprised to hear someone speak,
To hear news about his beloved,
"You will tell her, beautiful swallow, to my love,
I will be chaste and faithful to her when I return."
You can see a version of this song on Marius Barbeau's Le Rossignol y chante p. 43 of the book -p. 47 of the document with this comment…
The critical text of this song is taken from eight versions collected from Beauharnois to Prince Edward Island from 1917 to 1926. The melodies reproduced here are that of Father P. Arseneault, transcribed by his vicar the Abbot Gallant, in Mont-Carmel (Prince Edward Island) (Phono, 12) and that of E.Z. Massicotte from Montreal, collected in 1917 (Phono, 507). Mr. Massicote learned it from Charles Belleau, ship carpenter in Lévis, around 1890.

Recording by Jacques Labrecque (1917-1995)
1976 live rendition by Garolou
1996 live rendition by 20 years older Garolou!

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