The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4202648
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
18-May-24 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Charmion, congratulations on the weight loss and the removal of the branches from the yard. I don't know if the extra protein affects things like hair thickness or skin appearance - but I do notice that I have to wash my hair a day or two earlier than usual (with long hair I'd gotten to where I could wash it every five to six days, now I can hardly stand it by day four.)

I started a pile of branches at the back of the yard for bulky waste removal next month and they serve a second purpose until then, that of high water early warning. If the creek rises they will float and I'll be able to see from the house.

Hummus delivered, then a gym workout and shopping trip accomplished. The too-large online order of collars delivered to the return dropoff point and a visit to the pet store bagged two collars and a leash for just under the same price (two of the items were on clearance). The dog baths were postponed till this morning. At least Cookie; I'm of a mixed mind about washing Pepper again. I have to check her neck for skunk - I have the proper product to spray now so may go with that and see if it is enough to kill the smell.

A new mop was picked up (Lowe's) and several refills (to be on the safe side). It has a lever to wring out the mop head that might be more efficient than the last one but it doesn't have a green (Scotch non scratch pad) scrubber edge. I'm going over the areas previously mopped to see if I can get more of the generalized smell that is still present in certain areas. There are no refills for the old mop handle so I think it will be headed to the dump. Alas. It served me well (I bought it when I moved in here in 2002). I wonder if I could convert it to some kind of a gripper for high-up items?