The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169224   Message #4202730
Posted By: MoorleyMan
20-May-24 - 03:14 PM
Thread Name: Songs and poems about HMS Hood-sank 24 May 1941
Subject: RE: Songs and poems about HMS Hood-sank 24 May 1941
As requested previously by Joe Offer (24 May 2021), and sorry for the delay, here it is:

Ted Briggs’ Lament For HMS Hood
(by David & Lynne Edmondson)

Deadly was the shell that blew her straight to hell
Deathly was the fate that doomed my many mates
Long has she been by human eyes unseen
Now I stand alone above their peaceful bones

The mighty Hood stood out, from Scapa we were steaming
Our enemy for to meet, our battle ensign streaming
We fourteen hundred men her massive guns attending
We fourteen hundred men on armour plate depending

The mighty Hood ploughed on, her bows the waves were parting,
To Denmark Strait we came, just as new day was dawning
Then a fearful flash rent her bulk asunder
And pointing to the sky her bows the waves slid under


The mighty Hood had gone, her death pyre rising higher
The mighty Hood had gone, the pride of all who served her
Our number now but three on cold Atlantic water
Our number now but three beseeched the sea give quarter

The mighty Hood’s at rest three miles beneath our deck
Less mighty than she was, a dark and silent wreck
*Our number now but one, my name it is Ted Briggs
Soon the day will dawn when death my own peace brings
