The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172985   Message #4202797
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
21-May-24 - 09:51 PM
Thread Name: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024
Charmion, the big holidays, but especially Memorial Day and Labor Day in the US, are mattress selling nirvana. And there are a gazillion to choose from. Good luck with that! I need to decide what to do with the various antique bed frames I have here since I don't think my kids are going to want them. The sets in my room and my daughter's room are the most complete, the rest of the head and footboards I could offer individually for sale.

This evening I worked on the canna beds. The established bed beside the house near the back yard fence had some escapees that were transplanted back into the bed. They may not bloom this year but next year they'll be up to speed. The new bed was planted last fall at the front corner on the same side of the house; today I added a few that were moved from the driveway area where they were heeled in last fall. The steel edging will go in tomorrow.

Cookie was a good girl today (by default, since she survived the vet visit). She struggled so hard when the vet techs were clipping her nails that she broke off a dew claw, but since the vet was right there he treated it so it won't bleed or get infected. She got shots and tested for heartworm (negative - she gets the monthly treatment). I didn't realize she hadn't been in since four years ago but she's up to date now. She isn't a happy passenger in the SUV, complaining most of the way, but if I load the girls a few times and take them to walk in area parks she'll settle down.

On the way home from the vet I stopped to get a few bags of mulch. She sat in the cargo area (after hopping over the middle seat) and watched me work.