The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #173314   Message #4202835
Posted By: and e
22-May-24 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: Origin:Christopher Columbo/Christofo Colombo-bawdy
Subject: RE: Origin:Christopher Columbo/Christofo Colombo-bawdy

In fourteen hundred ninety two
There lived Queen Isabella ('Twas then)
She had to do with a god damned fool
Said here's your dago feller.

She wanted him to leave the land
And for a damned good reason
For he had screwed her husband's wife
And that you know was treason.

Columbus stood upon the deck
And gazed out o'er the ocean
The god damned crew ran down below
Because they lacked emotion.

Columbus stood upon the deck
And gazed out through his glass hole
The second mate crept up behind
And goosed him in the arsehole.

Columbus stood upon the deck
And there he took his station
The god damned crew went down below
And practised masturbation,

Columbus stood upon the deck
And gazed out o'er the ocean
When on the shore he saw a whore (And)
Which filled him with emotion.

The god damned crew jumped in the boat
Their cocks were red and - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The sailors jumped into the boat
And doffed their coats and collars (Undid)
In fifteen minutes by the clock (Fifty)
She made six hundred dollars.

Columbus too would have his piece
His cook was red and fiery
He rammed it down into the ship
And wrote it in his diary.

Of doctors in those good old days
There were not very many
Except one god damned little Jew
Who went by the name of Benny,

Columbo went to Benny
His cock was red and flaccid
The god damned fool filled up his tool
With hot sulphuric acid.

His balls they went around oh
Until they touched the ground oh,
That geographical son of a bitch
That Christopho Columbo.

Gordon "Inferno" Collection, #3908. No date, no location, no contributor.