The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172486   Message #4202894
Posted By: Backwoodsman
24-May-24 - 11:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
Subject: RE: BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 3
”What are the chances of either of the main parties addressing the major elephant in the room - Brexit?!”

Absolutely zero, IMHO, but they should. The biggest disaster to befall this country since WW2, lie upon lie upon lie rammed down the electorate’s throats by the ‘Leave’ campaigners who wanted Brexit for no other reason than it suited their own greed and selfishness, and the results are clear to see.

It’s very rarely that I agree with a Tory about anything, but I’m in whole-hearted agreement with this piece from Lord Heseltine in his ‘European Movement’ email today…

”I am 91 years old. I have lived through many elections.

But I’m sorry to say that I think this will be the most dishonest general election of my life.

Why? Because it’s going to talk about all the problems, but avoid any of the real solutions which depend upon a closer relationship with Europe.

As I told Sky News on Wednesday, you can’t have a discussion about the country’s economy, or its defence, or immigration, without mentioning Brexit.

We have cut ourselves off from our principal market, our most important partners, and that is the underlying crisis that faces this country.

It’s terrifying to me that while the public opinion is moving and the younger generation is frustrated, the two major parties think they can go through 6 weeks of campaigning and not have anything to say about it.

At the European Movement, our job is to call out this hypocrisy. We’re here to make a nuisance, to upset the apple cart and say the (apparently) unsayable - that we would be better off back in Europe.

Over the next 6 weeks, and beyond, we shall be single-minded in this purpose.”