The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #172981   Message #4202957
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
26-May-24 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: GOOD news
Subject: RE: BS: GOOD news
Many phones these days use WiFi calling, but should default to the carrier signal from whatever towers are nearby. And on the spelling - I grew up at the Canadian border and was used to seeing words like "fibre" and have occasionally slipped and used that spelling in Texas. It gets a response or a snort, at the very least. And I have two UPSs in the house - one on the computer so I can save what I'm working on before turning it off if the power goes out. The second one is in the hall closet where the cable modem and router are so I still have WiFi for quite a while when the power goes out. :)

Our good news - for the UK readers this is on a US road where we drive on the right - no one was injured yesterday when a Cadillac tried to make a right turn from the left lane just ahead of us on a local boulevard. I cranked to the right to try to avoid them and they collided with the side of my vehicle (instead of my SUV T-boning them). The other driver backed up into the street we'd both been on then sped off, not stopping to exchange information. The really good news is that the uninsured motorist part of my policy should cover the claim so it won't count against my insurance policy rate. An excellent thing is that as a writer I turned in a clear chronological claim and the underwriter who called today said it was one of the clearest reports she's read, making her job very easy. (It did take about 45 minutes to write and edit the account of a collision that took under 30 seconds from beginning to end).